
도로포장 약어표기


AASHO(American Association of State Highway Officials, 미국도로교통공무원 협의회 전신)

AASHTO(American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,

미국도로교통공무원 협의회)

AC(Asphalt Concrete Pavement, 아스팔트 콘크리트)

ACI(Asphalt Concrete Institute, 미국 콘크리트 협회)

AI(Asphalt Institute, 미국 아스팔트 협회)

ai(Layer Coefficient, 상대강도계수)

ASTM(American Society for Testing and Materials, 미국재료시험협회)

CBR(California Bearing Ratio, 캘리포니아 지지력비)

CRCP(Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement, 연속철근 콘크리트포장)

DBST(Double Bituminous Surface Treatment, 이중역청표면처리공법)

DOT(Department of Transportation, 미국교통국)

DS(Dynamic Stability, 동적안정성)

ESAL(Equivalent Single Axle Load, 등가단축하중)

FHWA(Federal Highway Administration, 미연방도로교통협회)

FWD(Falling Weight Deflectometer, 포장구조 진단기)

JCP(Jointed Concrete Pavement, 줄눈 콘크리트포장)

JRCP(Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement, 줄눈 철근보강 콘크리트포장)

MR(Resilient Modulus, 회복탄성계수)

NCHRP(National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 미연방도로연구프로그램)

NDT(Nondestructive Testing, 비파괴시험)

NJDOT(New Jersey Dopartment of Transportation, 뉴저지교통국)

PCA(Portland Cement Association, 미국 시멘트 협회)

PCC(Portland Cement Concrete, 포틀랜드시멘트콘크리트)

PMS(Pavement Management System, 포장유지관리체계)

PSI(Present Serveceability Index, 포장서비스지수)


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